March 02, 2012

Happy B-Day Dr. Suess!

The Cat in the Hat is a classic!  I can't even count how many different Dr. Suess books that I've read to my children...or how many times I've read the same one over, & over, &... but what I can tell you is that out of all the Dr. Suess books I've memorized... 
I've always loved Thing 1 and Thing 2!  They're my favorite!

And what do you know?  These crazy characters actually came to life...6 years ago, I ended up having twin boys that remind me a lot of these 2 wild "things"  It's been exciting to say the least!  But what's really fun is that today Thing 1 and Thing 2 both helped me make these fun cupcakes! 

Today, my cute kids will celebrate by reading books, playing our silly"Cat in the Hat" board game,
 & finishing off our magical day with these yummy cotton candy cupcakes! 
Dr. Suess was a genius!
And, just in case you're wondering?... "Yes, I will eat these in a boat, I will eat these with a goat"....

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