February 06, 2012

Chocolate Covered Grapes!

My new favorite sweet indulgence!  I had never had these until a customer called us looking for 2 lbs of these babies for his cute wife!  Obviously they knew about these unique treats!  I love a challenge, so I told him I would be happy to experiment...Deep down I was thinking ewww!!!!
...UNTIL I sampled one.  These are amazing! 

Each green grape is individually hand-dipped in our Sweet Cherub specialty chocolate.  And, yes, they've now become a regular on our menu. 
Please order a box today.  I could really use a taste test about now:) 
*BTW our customer let me know that his wife said they were PREFECT!... He went on to inform me that he will be ordering a box every month or so:)
I just love the little bits of green peeking through.

One pound of Chocolate Covered Grapes in Valentine Box: $7.50

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